Artificial intelligence (AI) significantly expands the capabilities of ecosystem monitoring by processing and analyzing huge amounts of data collected from various sensors and detectors. One of the most important applications of AI is the processing of data obtained from satellites, cameras, temperature and humidity sensors, and other measuring devices. Machine learning and neural network algorithms help to identify patterns that may be invisible in traditional data analysis. Thus, AI speeds up decision-making, allowing you to quickly respond to changes in ecosystems.
AI is also used to predict changes, which is especially important in the field of environmental protection. Based on historical data and current parameters, algorithms can predict how changes in one aspect of the ecosystem, such as rising temperatures or increasing carbon dioxide levels, can affect others. This allows us to prepare for potential threats in advance and plan conservation measures. For example, AI can help predict possible animal migrations, changes in vegetation, and loss of biodiversity.
AI technologies are also actively used to analyze changes occurring in real time, which allows us to more accurately assess the situation in ecosystems. This allows environmental organizations and governments to respond to environmental threats, such as water pollution or forest fires, much faster. Moreover, AI can significantly improve biodiversity monitoring by automatically classifying animal and plant species from images and videos obtained from cameras and drones, which significantly speeds up the work of ecologists.